This article will walk you through how you can get started using Apptoto with Google Calendar. Once you complete these steps, Apptoto will be working in the background for you, automatically sending reminders and messages to your clients.
Step 1. Signing up with your Google Account
Apptoto connects to your Google Calendar/Contacts. For this to happen you should sign up with Apptoto using the Google Account that has access to the calendar(s) you want reminders sent out for.
So, make sure you are signed into Google with that account and then click the blue “Sign In” button:

Clicking that button will popup a series of Google prompts, asking you to give Apptoto permission to access your Google Calendar/Contacts.
You will need to grant consent to Apptoto to access your Google contacts and Calendar, or else Apptoto will not function properly. You can always revoke this access later if you decide not to use Apptoto. Here is want the access/consent steps may look like:
Step 1.1: Sign In With Your Google Email

Step 1.2: Enter Your Password

Step 1.3: Grant Permission to Google to Share Your Info with Apptoto

Step 1.4: Allow Apptoto to access your Google Calendar and Contacts by Checking “Select All”

If you do not grant Apptoto access to your Google Calendar and Contacts, you will see an error that looks like the one below when you try to add your first calendar

Step 2: Connecting your first Google Calendar
Because you signed up using your Google Account, Apptoto will assume you want your Google Calendar connected. Don’t worry, no messages will be sent automatically until you tell Apptoto to send something.
After the calendar has been added you will be taken to your Appointments tab. Here you can see the upcoming appointments that Apptoto has found, and what contact information has been extracted from them. The Appointment Info column displays the title of the appointment, and the Participant Info will display the extracted contact information.

Google Calendar Troubleshooting
It’s possible no appointments will be found immediately. That might be because Apptoto hasn’t synced enough of your calendar yet. Reload the page or the click the “Sync” button to ask Apptoto to sync right away. Apptoto will automatically sync with your calendar once an hour.
It’s also possible that you store your appointments on a different calendar than the default Google calendar for your account. If that is the case, then click the “Add Calendar” button and then click “Google” to add an additional calendar.
Now that your calendars are connected, next steps to setting up your account is to set up your default messages. For a walkthrough of that, see message setup.